your hostess: 'Jessica Emily

Welcome to my humble blog.

i love leopard print, lace and anything that resembles Cath Kidston.

i hate the ends of sausages. i hate opening gates. i hate it when you wake up and there's nothing for breakfast.

Happy reading!

lots of love.. Jessie.' xoxo

Hair 'mare!

March 22, 2013
So this week I've been really struggling to come to terms with how I actually want my hair. It seems that no matter what I do to it, it looks so bland, flat and, well, shitty. I loved my fringe at first, but you know how it is when someone takes a picture of you and you see it and it's a huge wakeup call.. well that is what's happened to me.. 
I was tagged in a picture from a party I went to last week, and I looked absolutely dreadful! Looking at pictures from the last few months has made me realise how much weight I've gained, and how much I really hate my hair. Why did I cut it short? I've decided that this is no more. I am going to get back to that confident, pretty person I used to be! I have been on a diet all week, and have actually lost 3lb. Now that's not made much of a difference, but it's a starting point, right? I'm deadly serious about this.. I've had a treat 24 hours, but now it's back to business. I forgot how good it makes you feel when you step on those scales and realise all the work you've put in this week has actually had an effect on you. Happy days! I'll keep you updated on how this is going. 
P.s. I gave up with the whole fasting diet- it's far too hard, it puts me in a crappy mood and after just eating healthily and exercising this week, that's proof that I do not need to do it to lose weight. Thank God! 

Hope you're all well and have a lovely weekend. xox

what's in your makeup bag?

March 18, 2013


 Hello everybody! 
I've seen this post on almost every blog I've ever read, and I just thought it could be an interesting thing for you all to see! If you're anything like me, you'll love having a good old nosey at what everyone else is using and seeing what works for them, so here we go! 

So this is my favourite makeup bag. I got it for my birthday along with a matching tote from the airport and I've not put it down since! As you may know, I'm a huge fan of Ted Baker- I find their things so chic and perfect that I just want every single thing! I think you can get this in two different sizes, and this is the biggest one of the two- so you can imagine the ratio of my makeup that actually fits into this- so I just use this to hold my every day basics.

These are my basic face products;
1. Garnier moisture match moisturiser. You may remember me giving a review of this a couple of weeks back, raving about this range. It's safe to say that I'm still in love with them, and have purchased this one that I'm using at the moment. I believe it's made to combat lifeless, dull skin and illuminate it. After the weekend I've had, this was a MUST this morning! 
2. Loreal paris Nude Magique CC Cream. I got this last week on a whim from my local Tesco. I'm not sure if I mentioned this already, but I've started to wear a lot less makeup. In the last few weeks, I've found that no matter what foundation I use, it just doesn't suit me what so ever. Whether it's making me too orange, too powdery, cakey or pale, nothing is going on right. I've also found that nothing is staying on my nose too- it's just sort of flaking off. Considering the range of foundations I have, I find it hard to believe that it's the products' faults, and have come to the conclusion that my skin just needs some 'resting time'. I do think that it has something to do with me not wearing makeup at all on holiday, and then coming home and wearing it constantly- I think I've just left my skin a little confused! :) Anyway- the product itself is really spectacular- I hope to do a longer, more thorough review of this in the coming weeks, but just on a short note; It comes out looking a little speckled, mainly green with speckles of tan/beige colours. When you smooth it onto your skin, the green immediately combats any redness (I have very naturally red cheeks), and then when it's massaged more vigorously, it turns into a skin tone-matching colour. It's odd, but very clever! It has a light coverage and works wonderfully underneath mineral powders. 

3. Garnier BB cream Miracle Skin Perfector: I bought this last week whilst on that whim to ween myself off of foundations, and I'm so glad I did! I did have their original BB cream when it first came out, but I had their 'medium' and back then I was obsessed with tanning so it's way too dark for me now. Anyway, I really like the colour of this, (I got the light), and the coverage is just enough for daytime, although you do need a bit of concealer for spots, but that's not a problem for me.
4. Garnier Roll On in Extra Light: I actually only brought this because there were loads of them on the clearance shelf and they were like £1.50, so I figured I'd try it out. I did have a caffeine one that I was given a few years back, but I literally had no idea what it was meant for etc and threw it out. Anyway, in all honesty, I find that this works amazingly as an illuminating concealer, especially around the eyes, on cheek bones and on the chin. I use it just to make my face look that little bit more fresh. 

5. Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation: Anyone that's anyone knows that this foundation is one of the best budget foundations ever made. It has a brilliant coverage, makes your skin look nice and hydrated, and gives you that fresh-dewy look that, let's be honest, we all want! I've read a few reviews that claim this is too shimmery, but I don't find this at all! I would definitely recommend this to anyone who's looking for a new foundation with a nice coverage! 


After I apply my BB cream or foundation, I always set it with a powder. I usually use a mineral powder, but this week I've rekindled my old flame with the Creme Puff by Max Factor. It's so smooth and silky and just glides on your skin like a dream, leaving it looking so smooth and perfected. After powdering, I will contour my cheek bones. I have been using my Bare Minerals bronzer, just to create a dip in my cheeks in order to make it look like I actually have cheekbones.. Then i'll use a darker blusher (my chosen one is 'Damson Wine' by 17' which I find just creates a bit of depth to my cheeks, and then I'll pop a tiny bit of a light pink on the apples of my cheeks just to give me a little flush of colour. I popped my Ted Baker bronzer onto this picture just because I tend to use this on the days when I need a little bit of glamour and shimmer in my life! ;) I also popped my Real Techniques stippling brush onto here because I just wanted you all to know that's how I apply my foundation. 

1. Bourjois Volume Glamour Max: I bought this about a month ago but have only just started to use it. At first, I wasn't too keen on it-- I like my mascara to really curl and give oomph, without clumping- but once you've gotten used to this mascara's strong qualities, you can mix it up with another mascara to get all you want out of your lashes! I find that this is especially good for adding oomph and volume, but doesn't separate or curl- so I use another mascara to curl and separate. (usually Loreal's Million Eyes). 

2. Rimmel Apocalips in 400 Big Bang. I LOVE THIS. Literally, if there is one product I would recommend out of all this, it's definitely this! It's so so pigmented for a gloss, and looks like a gorgeous lipstick. I haven't tried any other colours, so I can only speak on behalf of this one- which is a rich, bright red. It glides out so easily, and the wand makes it super easy to coat your lips on the first application. It's just amazing. get one. now! 

3. The Body Shop's Born Lippy strawberry lip balm: I have had this for years and I just love it. I love the texture, I love the smell, I even love the taste. I have tried a few others, but I prefer this one- it comes out kinda clear and it's just perfect for popping on when you're on the go and you don't have to worry about what it looks like. 

4. Along Came Betty's eyeliner pen- I'm going to review this whole range because it is spectacular for the price you pay. If you don't know what this is, it's a range that is exclusive to Tesco, and it's a sort of cheaper version of Soap and Glory. I have a feeling that I mentioned it when I was talking about my daily makeup before, but I really do adore the range. Originally, it was all bath things and skin care, but when I went in yesterday, I found that they have now released a makeup range. I am soooo excited about this, but I am somewhat skint right now, so I will hopefully be able to get a few bits when I get paid, and then I shall review it all- but if it carries on as well as this eyeliner, then I'm a happy shopper! ;) 

5. Soap and Glory - Sexy Mother Pucker XL: This is fab. It makes your lips look super plumped, and I use it when I'm having a bit of a lazy day and can't be bothered to do much, it just makes you look like you're naturally glam! ;) 

anyway!! I need to go to bed. I am still nursing this St Paddy's day hangover and I have a full day at work tomorrow, so I shall go and watch the new Twilight (yes I am that sad..)


few new thingsss!

March 12, 2013
Hello everybodyyy!
I've finally got a spare hour to myself, so I thought I'd share a few new bits and bobs with you! 

So last week, my sister, my best friend and I went to watch the one and only Mr. Olly Murs. Aww, he's such a babe! Of course, he was absolutely spectacular- so charming, so funny and talented. I must admit, I was a little underwhelmed compared to last year- I think he put on more of a show last time, but I'm not complaining about this time! ;) p.s. for those of you who haven't seen him live- the bulge is way better in person than it is on camera! Hahaha. 

So I got this top from Miss Selfridges last week for £35. As soon as I saw it, I knew that I wanted it! I love pretty little delicate things as a rule, and I was missing a pretty white top from my wardrobe, so I purchased it there and then. I absolutely love it- it's my new favourite top for sure! It's so versatile and can be worn with pretty much everything. 10/10 for this!<3

I also brought these little gems whilst I was in Outfit. I was looking for new things to wear on my bottom-half because I am so, so bored of wearing plain leggings and jeans. I saw these and was a little skeptical- I'm not very brave with my clothing choices, and always tend to stick to what I know. Anyway, after trying these on and sending pictures to my sister and my mum, I decided to take the plunge and just buy them. I'm really glad that I did, cos I wore them to the Olly Murs concert and got a lot of compliments. I do think that they are a little too summery for this time of the year- especially seeing as we have snow right now- so I think I'll get more wear out of them in the next few coming months. 


I got this blazer from Primark for £15, which is a steal compared to ones I've seen in Topshop and Miss Selfridges.. I love the colour of it- it will definitely brighten up a top with jeans, or dress down a classy dress. Again, it's a little summery for this time of year, but hopefully I'll be able to chuck it on if the sun decides to show it's face. 


I got these tops from Matalan in the sale- I think one was £3 and the other was £8. I just needed a few new tops that I can just chuck on after work to nip to the shop in etc. I have way too many clothes, but at that price, I just couldn't leave them!

-right, there are all the things that I've taken pictures of this week. I do intend on doing a Boots haul post because I've spent an absolute fortune in there this month! 
be back soon! xox


so many nice things online!

March 1, 2013
Oh god, it's starting agaaaain.
I used to have a massive addiction to ordering clothes etc offline like, every day. Well it's safe to say, it's beginning to become a problem again.. My newest favourite store is Forever 21, and there are so many things that I'm in love with off their website! haha. Go and have a quick look on their website- you'll see what I mean! xxx

take a look around..

February 24, 2013
As most of you know, I'm very addicted to Instagram, (an app where you share photos) so I find myself looking through lots of girl's pictures of all their pretty rooms and their gorgeous clothes, accessories and makeup in awe, knowing that I could never be that cute. This being said, I do think that my room could give any of their's a run for their money.. If any of you follow me on there, you will probably have seen a few little bits of my bedroom. I love my little room-- it's just a place where I can be myself, chill out, take off my makeup and have my share of 'me-time'. Anyone that visits my room will always compliment it, saying how girly, homely and pretty it is-- and that just makes me want to spend even more time in here. Since getting a job with more hours, and letting my boyfriend pretty much move in, I don't necessarily spend much time in my room anymore-- especially not getting to do things that I enjoy so much- e.g. face masks, watching chick flicks and eating rubbish.. ;) So I just thought it would be nice to share my little space with you all and hopefully inspire some of you to make your room your new favourite place.

my dressing table; I absolutely love my dresser! My mum got it me when she sent me to Centerparcs for the weekend and I came back to a brand new bedroom. It was such a surprise cos I never ever expected anything! Anyway, it's a little stained and wrecked now, cos i'm so so clumsy! I'm not sure where the dresser was from, but the white ornament in front of the mirror- what I use to hold my foundations- was from TK Maxx, the 'LOVE' jewellery holder was from a place called The Range, and the cake holder and all the flowers from Ikea. 

So this is a closer peek at my jewellery holder. I love it because I've never come across the same one every again, and it's absolutely gorgeous. I have way too much jewellery, so I do only put my most eye-catching bits on there! :) On the right is my radiator shelf and windowsill.. I actually only just got the three ornaments on the bottom- the oil burner, the four-heart candle holder, and then the butterfly lantern, and they were from Wilkos believe it or not?! haha. They give my room a little more character and look so cute. The bodice was from The Range, jewellery box from a small boutique nearby, and the kitty shot glasses from Harrods.

I thought I'd just add a cheeky picture of my clock. My little sister bought me it from B & M and I think it's simply beautiful! The image on the right shows you my main wardrobe.. I do have two of these-- one on the other side of the room. They were from Ikea a good few years ago, and I have that many clothes that I literally don't think I could fit another item inside them. They are crammed full, and it's a night mare when I decide that I want to try and find something! haha. Please tell me your wardrobes are like this too?!

This was just a shot of my room from the other side- where my dressing table is. I have a built-in wardrobe and behind that door is literally the most chaotic mess you could ever imagine! It's everything that I've ever hoarded since I was born, so you can imagine how messy it is back there. I also have a cute little chalk board from Sass & Belle which I usually put my rota on so everyone knows what I'm doing. The picture to the right of that is the mess that lives underneath my dressing table. That's where I keep the majority of my lotions and potions, my makeup, my brushes, candles, hair products etcetc.. My carpet is so gross cos I'm forever dropping things haha! What a state. 

and then here is my bed and my other wardrobe, and then the shelf above my bed. This bedding is one of my favourites, it was only from Tesco, but it's just lovely. The bunting was from Wilkos, but I'm not sure about anything else. I think my favourite thing in my room has to be the bodice lamp which my auntie brought for me a couple of years ago. It's beautiful. 

so there we have it, my cute little room! 
I hope that you enjoyed it! xoxox

Absent With Out Leave.

February 23, 2013
Oh guys, I really am sorry for the lack of blogging in the last couple of weeks, but as explained in my last post, (which was stupidly pathetic),it was my mum and sister's birthday at the very beginning of the month, and then I was working as hard as I could before I left for holiday, and I was trying to pack, see everyone, get everything sorted etc. And then of course it was my birthday- (yep, no longer a teenager!) and then I returned from holiday and was straight back into work. Boring, boring. 

ANYWAY. I won't blabber on about my holiday much, because not only will it bore you to tears, but it will make me sad that I'm back here in this crappy country, so I'll just tell you that it was super-nice, so relaxing and entirely beautiful. The weather was wonderful considering it was February and it was snowing back here, and the hotel itself was utterly gorgeous. I went to Fuerteventura for those of you who don't follow my Instagram/Facebook, and we stayed in a little place called Caletta de Fuss(or fust- I can't remember) and I would definitely recommend it to people who just want a chilled out holiday. Not only did I spend my birthday out there, (which was a lovely day- I got completely spoilt and waited on all day..), but I spent Valentines out there too, and my boyfriend bought me a few things and some rose petals, which was really cute. I'll post a few of my pictures below, and you'll get the gist of what I mean about it being beautiful. xox

*mind my double chins on the most of these! I think I had a few too many cakes and cocktails, but that's what holidays are for, right?! haha!*
In fact, that brings me to my next thing-- I JOINED A GYM! This is a big step for me. I never ever join anything, because I have a terrible habit of dropping out of things quite quickly, but I really am gonna try to stick to this one! I'm gonna be honest, I probably won't use the gym all that much- I tried it once and didn't particularly enjoy it, but I know I will definitely use the swimming and classes, so it's not all a loss! 

Another thing that I wanted to mention was that I've been thinking so much about 'life' in the last week. I don't know if it's because I'm getting sick of being told what to do all the time, or it's the whole turning 20 thing, or whether I'm just comfortable in my relationship and think it's time to move to a new level, but my best friend just got a massive job in London, flying cabin crew with British Airways and I'm so proud of her, but this means she will be moving out and moving all the way to the big city and I think it's got me thinking about what I need to do.. Me and Luke also went to Ikea today just on a whim, and it just got me thinking about everything that I'll need for a house etc, and it's made me want a house of my own. Obviously it's too soon, but it's still got the ball rolling in my head. So now, I'm looking for a new job- a full time one with decent pay. I've decided to save up and start buying things for a flat and that is my goal for the next year.

okay, I've blabbed on for a while now- I do have a few reviews that I want to do for you all, and I'd like to show you what I bought and received on holiday, so that'll be a few more posts in the next week. 
Hope you're all enjoying you're weekend, xxxx



February 18, 2013
Hola senjoritas! 
Im terribly sorry for the lack of blogging in the last two weeks-- they've been so hectic! This is just a quickie to tell you that I'm still alive, but I'm currently in fuerteventura so I'll post when I'm back.. 
Lots of love xxx


a month in pictures.

February 5, 2013
Hello girlies! 
I like to do this at the end of the month, not only to show you all what I've been up to. but to remind me of all the wonderful things I've done in the past 4 weeks! I've taken the majority of these off Instagram, so send me a link to yours by email (which you can find in the 'contact me' page), and I'd love to follow you all back! xxx

1.a cheeky selfie.  2.Cath Kidston- inspired nails by myself. smokey eyes before my work's do. well the night started off. bad the night ended. sick jessiee.  7.a reminder of how well the night started! how did it all go so badly?!  8.trainers. i literally never wear trainers!  9.velvet manicure that i gave myself. new extensions. new dress!  12.funeral.  13.hard working, of course. and my mother on the train to London.  15.just popping to Hogwarts. cute new fury head piece.  17.looking all cosy in London. first attempt at an omelette.  19.matching phone cases from poundland.  20.casually cut myself a fringe in..  21.trying to get used to my fringe!  22.cuppa and a cereal bar, dietsux.  23.cosy in bed!  24.snowy walk with my boyfriend.  25.and my sister.  26.hairdressing in my spare time. cute room.  28.bedtime reading.  29.trying my fringe with long hair.  30.promoting my blog.  31.cheeky Kopparberg with my dad.  32.just ombre-d my hair.  33.didn't want to get up! new Harry Potter keyring.  35.blogging and drinking tea. how English of me. dogley. and my beaut in Turkey last year. sister decided to bombard my bed.  39.maisie wrapped the dog up cos he looked 'chilly'..  40.the state of my wardrobe. so many clothes! makeup, yay.  42.cute outfit. bedding! i intended on spending my night, although it did end in me doing my cousin's hair for her.. and lukey in bed. blog style!  47.pampering sunday!  48.face mask woo.  49.relaxing barrrth. first topshop lippy!  51. Wonka Nerds make me extremely happy!  52.going out for my sister's birthday. two bestfriends.  54.sisters/bestfriends.  55.bestbuds.  56.trying to convince myself that i like my hair.. not working.. pyjamas. cream sundae.  59.hehe, just a cheeky selfie or four today!  60.wrapped up warm to go shopping today! 

so there we have it. xxoxoxox


Garnier Moisture Match = perfecto!

January 27, 2013

Hello everybody! 
I can't even remember the last time that I reviewed a product on here, but this morning, I happened to buy this little gem and just couldn't wait to share it with all of you! 
It's the new Garnier "Moisture Match" and it is utterly amazing. I'm not usually a fan of moisturisers-- I'll tell the truth, I've never understood why girls fret so much if they're running late and happen to forget to moisturise etc. I've always had strange skin. One day I can wake up and it's that greasy that my makeup just slips off of my face, other days my face will be so dry that my foundation goes all patchy and powder-like, especially around my nose and forehead. It's a nightmare, so I find myself only moisturising in the places that I notice are feeling dry and only with a simple Nivea cream just so that my makeup sits correctly. Anyway, I'm babbling.. My point is, I've never really been one to say "oh, this weather is causing havoc with my skin this week!".. until yesterday. Two days previously, I had gotten up late and had to rush my makeup in order to meet my mum in time, and I noticed that my skin was extremely dry. I tried a number of my foundations- just to find that they were all looking like I'd poured loose powder all onto my face. It was patchy, and blotchy and it looked so gross. In the end, I had to leave it, but I just put it down to the fact that I was rushing. So yesterday, I was getting ready to go to a party last night, and the same thing happened again. I took off my makeup, put on a few moisturisers and a primer, and then begun again. The same thing happened again. "What is wrong with me?!" I was asking. In a bid to sort this, I nipped to my local drugstore in search for the miracle product that was going to save me and my makeup credibility. 
That was when I spotted this product.. I'm a huge fan of Garnier products, and on lazy days when I can't be bothered to use my Liz Earle hot cloth cleanser, I will use their products with some cotton pads. In my store, there were only three variations of this product, but whilst doing further research on this I've found that there is in fact five. The choices that I had were one for very dry skin, one for dull skin and one for delicate and exposed skin. Personally, I wanted all three but seeing as I don't get paid until tomorrow, I figured I would have to make due with just the one for now. I did the smart thing and bought the one for dull skin, because it was more moisturising than the delicate one, which is what I need, but it was less moisturising than the one for dry skin, which I thought may leave my skin greasy. 
So here's what it says: 
 -'Revitalising Hydrating Gel"
Is Wake Me Up my perfect moisture match? 
If you have those days when your skin looks a bit dull, then this one is the one for you. This little pick-me-up was specially formulated to give your skin a hydration and radiance boost for a daily 'wake up call'. 

Now this sounded good to me! I often look in the mirror and wonder what the hell is going on. My skin constantly looks so dull and lifeless, so this sounded like it really was the perfect match for me. 
It also goes on to say that they made the different variations as the understand that not everyone's skin is the same, and that it is 24 hour-lasting. It says that the gel-like texture is oil-free, ultra light and quick to absorb, and that it is enriched with citrus, which boosts stimulation and radiance. Sounds impressive, right?!  

The first thing that surprised me for some reason when opening this was that it is in the same tube as their BB cream. Now, I'm really not sure what I was expecting, but I don't think it was that.. haha. I found that the BB cream could sometimes be a little tricky to get out, and often gave you too much product, which was wasting a lot of it. Anyway, the next thing was the consistency. I did try to get a decent picture of it, but the lighting in my room is a little funny and the fact that the product is more of a transparent gel than anything, it was tricky to do: 

I quite like the texture if I'm honest. It doesn't linger on the skin (which would be the fast-absorbing qualities), so I find that I can put my makeup on pretty much straight away. Not just that, but a small blob goes a very long way. I also love the smell of it, it has a slight citrus smell, but nothing that is too overpowering, it just feels fresh. When putting it on, I also feel that it does make your face feel fresh and almost cool. 

Overall, I am so impressed with this and will definitely be purchasing the rest of the range! It has converted me completely! 

Have any of you tried these? What do you think? 

Hope you've all had a good week, xxxx

hairy hair hair.

January 26, 2013
Why am I so fussy and indecisive about my hair?! I literally can't do anything right with it. I thought that my fringe looked okay at first, so why now do I find myself looking in the mirror in disgust?! As I told you, I ombre-d my ends, and now I'm totally regretting that too... I've always wanted Cheryl Cole-like hair; you know, rich brown, long and bouncy. So what has posessed me to do the complete opposite thing?! I will never know. 
ANYWAY here is a few pictures of my hair-- let me know what you're all thinking! xxx

ew, ignore my gawky face and my apparent bong eye!