your hostess: 'Jessica Emily

Welcome to my humble blog.

i love leopard print, lace and anything that resembles Cath Kidston.

i hate the ends of sausages. i hate opening gates. i hate it when you wake up and there's nothing for breakfast.

Happy reading!

lots of love.. Jessie.' xoxo

oh dear me.

January 24, 2013
Hello! So as you all know, I recently lost my camera lead which means my posts have lacked any interest what so ever. I ordered a new one off Amazon, and have been eagerly awaiting it all week, so you can imagine my excitement when it was delivered yesterday. I ran off to grab my camera and my laptop, took the lead out, went to plug it in and oh.. it's the wrong lead. HOW TYPICAL! So I had a bit of a sulk after this, and threw my camera back in it's bag, but I realised that it wasn't sitting right, and what was possibly blocking it's way? Only the lead that has been missing for two weeks now. I am literally so ditzy and stupid at times! Anyway, this does however mean that I can share with you a few images from London & show you some bits that I've bought! 



So there we have it; my favourite pictures from my trip to London. Now, I did purchase a few bits whilst I was there, so I figured I'd add them to here too! 

Now most of you should know by now that I totally love Primark. I'm no snob, and I'm so not ashamed of liking it! I love that I literally ALWAYS find something in there, and I love that they cater for everyone. They always have things that are bang-on trend, and I find that they do 'rip-offs' of more expensive brands, which I absolutely love! Not just this, but I find that you can grab things for half the price of anywhere else, and if you're as clumsy as me and always dropping things, it doesn't really matter if it was a cheap item! Anyway, I picked up this coat in the sale. It was £15 from £30. I love the colour-- it was my staple colour of 2012, and it's definitely carried over to this year too. I love how up to date the contrasting shoulder patches are too. I also picked up this top for £10. I love this colour- is it cobalt? I think it's such a lovely colour, and I don't own any other things in it, but I thought that I would give it a go. I really like the pattern on it too- very tribal! Not sure what to wear it with though, so let me know any ideas! 

Okay, so I've never heard of this shop before, but it was on Carnaby Street and it's called Monki. I don't know what made me go in, but I'm so glad I did! Everything was on sale, literally it was the craziest sale I've ever been to. Firsty there are the teal trousers. I've wanted some trousers for a while now, but I've never found any that compliment my shape, until these! The colour caught my eye firstly, and then I felt the material and they are perfect- soft but stretchy. I think originally they were £30, but I got them for £11, which I think is a bargain! Then there are the leggings which went down from £20-something to £10. Another bargain. And then the tops; the left was £5 and the right was £3 both from £18. I literally haven't taken the white one off this week, it is the most comfy thing I've ever purchased! 

These were all from Forever 21. Now, I really do love that shop, and I'm gutted that we don't have one closer to me. It's such a pretty shop and they sell the most beautiful clothes! Anyway, I didn't realise until I got to the till that all sale items were a further 50% off on that day! So I thought that I already had bargains until the lady told me this and I was so happy! haha. The peach blazer with the sequin sleeves caught my eye as soon as I walked into the shop. I was lucky as there was only one left in my size. It was £13 in the sale, which meant that it was £6.50! wow. The red dress is so cute that I couldn't leave without it! and then there is also the leopard blouse that I got. The material is also just so delicate, and I like how different it is to anything I've ever seen. I think this was full priced, but still not a bad £18! Then the little top next to it ended up being £3! You really wouldn't believe it! I've wanted a sequin top for a long while now, and I liked how chic this looks. It's so delicate that it could be worn with a vast amount of things, so I'm very happy with that! hehe. These earrings came in at a mere £3 each, so you can't complain there either! 

so there we have it; my time in London! 
I'm going out for a meal now, so I'd better go and get ready! ;)

I just couldn't stop!

January 23, 2013
Hello everybody! 
Well I am, again, bedridden with a stupid virus. I literally need to start stocking up on vitamin tablets because I'm getting ill way too much! 
So yesterday, I completely went out on a whim and bought a DIY ombre kit. I've wanted to ombre my hair for a long time now, but seeing as I often wear my hair extensions so often, I didn't really think it wise. Anyway, I've not wore my extensions all week, and I was so fed up with my hair that I just went and bought the dye and did it before I could really have time to think about it haha. I think it went really well, and the kit is surprisingly easy to use! I will upload a picture whenever I get a good enough one (when my face isn't as white as a sheet of paper and I stop throwing up!).
Like I said, the kit itself is mega easy to use. You just mix the three components, split your hair into two, and then squeeze it into the brush that you get free with the kit and you literally just brush through the lengths and tips of your hair. I did expect it to a little more blonde, and I sort of wish I had put it a little further up my lengths, but at least I know this for next time. 
I'm now looking into buying extensions that match the ends of my hair, although I'm not convinced that will look great, so any comments are appreciated! I'm thinking of just getting some brown ones, use the same kit that I used and ombre a great deal of them, and then literally bleach the ends so they go very blonde, making the ombre effect last the entire of my hair, if that makes any sense to any of you! haha. Let me know what you think! 
I'm gonna go and rest my head with a cuppa and a good film! 
thanks for reading xxx

new hair, new idea and a bit of snow!

January 20, 2013
Hello there! :)
So I thought I'd pop on, seeing as it's Sunday, and everyone knows Sundays are boring and are for doing things such as this, and I thought I'd just share the highlights of my week with you! Not a very productive post, but if it relieves you of the Sunday boredom, then I'm satisfied. 

♥ I have a fringe! 

How do you guys like it? I think it makes me look really mature, and completely different on these pictures, and I've been embracing my short hair all week, cos I like how easy it is to do and my mum and boyfriend are always telling me how much better I look with shorter hair, but I never listen! I did put in some extensions today, just out of curiosity, to see how the fringe would look with them, and it would be nice for a night out although I do think it makes me look a lot younger-- I'll post a picture below and you'll have to let me know what you think! 

I'm not sure how I feel about this, but be sure to let me know either by Facebook/ Twitter etc! 

Still on the fringe note-- my younger cousin has been trying to fit in for a while now, and took the plunge to get her hair bleached... I really do feel sorry for people such as herself who feel that they need to fit in. I mean, we all do it- we're all too fat, too ugly, too tanned, not tanned enough, not the right hair etc. Anyway, she went to a near-by hairdressers, and had it bleached. I don't know what the lady used, or why the hell she demanded the £70 (!!) because it looked absolutely awful! It went a sort of gingery blonde, which is usually expected when you've not bleached it before-- but this was my cousin's 3rd time, so it was unacceptable. Anyway, she re-did it for no charge, which made it go whiter than white on top, but so patchy throughout the rest. Literally, if I had've been there, I would've refused for her to pay. It was that bad. Anyway, after seeing my fringe, and realising how bad her hair actually looked, she decided a fringe may make it look presentable. I've only ever cut my sister's hair, but I've trimmed my auntie's fringe once and I ALWAYS cut my own hair. I haven't been to the hairdressers for 4 years because I think they don't listen, and I never come out satisfied! So yeah, I cut my own fringe in, and also when all my hair was chopped off, that was me too! aha. Long story short, her fringe was cut to perfection, and every one says I should be a hairdresser, (which I've known for years!). Anyway, this has given me the idea to start up my own little hair-cutting business on the side. I think I'm just gonna do friends and family, so let me know if anyone needs a trim! I want to learn how to colour etc after a while, but cutting satisfies me for now! 


I am literally the biggest kid when it comes to snow! Literally, the first hear of snow and my wellies, fur and gloves are out and ready for action! This year, however, I have developed some kind of fear of driving in the snow and ice, so I've prayed for it not to grace us with it's presence. Obviously, things never go the way that I want it to, and we've been hammered with it (haha, obviously not compared to most countries, but to us, this is RED ALERT!) Anyway, we've been lucky cos my mum just bought a 4x4 last week, so she's been taking me to work. Praise my mumma. Yesterday was my first day off since the snow had arrived, so me Maisie and my boyfriend decided to go for a walk. It was cute, but I was cold and pretty miserable by the end of it and was so glad to get home and put my jammies on infront of the fire with a blanket! haha. 


 ♥ tidy bedroom! 
So yesterday, I had nothing better to do, so I decided a clear out was in order! I needed more room, seeing as there are two of us living in there now haha. I cleared out my built-in wardrobe, which now consists of hair products, tan, makeup and hair bits that are rarely used, all my skincare etc, childhood games, and some things that my mum had in there when she had this bedroom! I got 4 bin liners out of there so that was a big help. Then I completely threw out all the crap that was in the drawers underneath my bed and gave Luke those- so his clothes can finally go away! I then sorted out the whole lot of my makeup and nail polishes- most of which are donkey's years old and had dried out, and most nail varnishes were totally vile. I had such bad taste when I was younger! haha. So yeah, my room is now looking so so cute and it's got such a relaxing vibe to it! I always feel so much better when my room is tidy, I've got my candles and fairy lights on and can just watch a girly film, or read a good book! 
This was before:

And this is afterwards:

How cute is my room?
'til next time!


January 17, 2013
Hello everybody! 
I've still not come across my camera lead, and I have a feeling I've lost it whilst being in London, so I've just ordered a new one. I'll do the post on London as soon as it comes!
Anyway, yesterday my little sister wanted to go to Home Bargains. I'm not sure why, but we really do love going there and seeing what crap we can get! Then we popped into Poundland-- so I just thought I'd share a few bits that we got with you! 

Everyone knows I love anything floral, so when I saw these, I was so happy! Firsty, on the left are two phone cases.. These are the best things I've ever bought. ever. They were from poundland! I can't believe it. £1 for those! My little sis decided to get one too, so we're sadly matching, but heyho, they are so cute!! And then on the right is a makeup back that I picked up in Home Bargains for 99p I think! I was looking for a smaller makeup bag to carry my essentials around with me and this is just perfect! 


Confirmed NYR.

January 15, 2013
Okay, I realise that we're mid-way through the first month of the year already and man is it going fast (!!), but I have finally made my New Years resolutions! I don't know why it's taken me so long-- maybe because I like to set myself goals so that I feel good when I actually achieve them or maybe it's just because I'm so bloody indecisive! Anyway, I just thought I'd take a moment to share them with you! 

Eat more healthy things.
Okay, so I know it sounds easy, but I have no will power. None. This time last year, I told myself that I was going to lose some weight ready for holiday, and two months down the line, I had lost just over a stone. Of course, with the summer being one to remember, the weight slowly crept back on, and now I'm setting myself the same goal. I want to lose a stone by summer, which is totally, completely possible! Not just this, but for the back half of this year, I've felt so sluggish, so medically problematic and so unconfident in myself. I was literally just eating crappy foods and taking in no nutrients and no exercise. So this isn't just to lose weight, but to make myself a better person from the inside out.. :)

Drink more water.
I literally never drink water. We always have pop at home, we always have done.. And if I'm out, I'd rather have a Pepsi than a glass of water or fruit juice. I work at Starbucks, and drinking water when you get free drinks just seemed ridiculous when I first begun working there, until I realised the affect that it was having on my body! So that's it, I'm going to drink more water. Not just for my weight, but I find myself having medical problems from barely drinking anything, and it will make my skin, hair and nails a lot more healthy, too! Healthy, radiant Jessie? yes please. 

Be more organised and less clumsy.
I am the friend that you are always waiting for. I am late for everything. I forget everything. I spill things, bring dirty uniform instead of clean to work, forget when I'm meant to be doing things and just do everything wrong! I am so unbelievably clumsy like you wouldn't believe too! I've broken or lost every phone I've ever had! So this year, I've bought myself a lovely FCUK diary which I carry around with me, I have an 'emergency bag' in my bag consisting of emergency makeup, tablets, pens, anything you will ever need, I make sure that anything I will need for the next day is done before bed, I get up an extra half an hour earlier to make sure that I'm not late and I think I'm doing really well! Being clumsy comes naturally to me, and although I'm fairly intelligent, I'm ever so ditzy! I come out with some ridiculous things sometimes, and I'm forever dropping things, or doing things that I really shouldn't be doing. It's embarrassing! 

Be more domesticated! 
You know, I don't actually know how to work the washing machine in my house. How would I cope if I lived on my own!? I would have to take my washing to my mum. I can't cook either, although I did make myself an 'omelette' (which looked sort of like scrambled eggs) so I'm really trying with that one! I am also going to learn how to use the washer this week, too. Watch this space! 

Be more positive and say yes to more things.
I've found that I shy away from things that I don't like. For example, going out with people from work. I'm so embarassed of public places-- I won't meet someone in a pub/bar because I feel silly walking in alone, or I won't go out straight from work because 'my hair is a mess' etc. I need to be more spontaneous. Also, I find myself looking for negative things in every little thing. For every negative thought that I have, I am going to think up a positive that will push it out the way! A few things happened last year, which knocked my confidence and trust issues a little, so I'm also working on that this year too! 

  Stop wasting money on impulse buys! 
I am one of those people who buy for buying's sake. My mum says I would buy shit if they sold it in Primark. :( I like to think that it's just me being open about everything, but I always come home with at least one thing that I look at and think 'oh, i really didn't need you!' haha. I will do a post about the little bits and bobs I bought yesterday on a random trip to Home Bargains and Poundland, and you will see exactly what I mean! haha.

Grow up.. :(
Yesterday was 16/01/2013, which can only mean that it's one month until I'm 20. That's one more month that I can blame everything I do on 'being a teenager'. I feel that that's my deadline to realise what I want to do with my life, which is a huge step for someone as indecisive as myself. I have too many big ideas for life. I don't know whether journalism is 'my thing', or do I want to be a primary school teacher? I'd love that too. Oh, why so many ideas?! I hate people like my best friend who knew for as long as I've known her, that she wanted to work in the airport industry. I think it makes it really hard working at the university, because I'm surrounded by so many intelligent people who know exactly where they're going and I only just scraped my passes in A-Levels and have ended up in a dead-end job. It makes it really hard too, because I earn X amount in a month, but when I've paid my car insurance, phone bill, paid my mum back for anything that I owe her, I have next to nothing left, so right now I can't afford to go to college, but then if I could, I would have to leave my job, meaning I'd get no income, so I couldn't have my car... But then I could do online A-Levels again, and then I can still work, but I have to save up so many thousand pounds-- which is gonna be a fair few months! Do you see this predicament?! Haha, so yeah- that's my big challenge for this year! 

There we have it, my resolutions! I'm sticking to them like glue, I promise!
Have you done yours? Let me know! 

Just a quickie..

January 15, 2013
Just a short post to tell you that a long post is on it's way! haha. If you don't follow me on Instagram or have me on Facebook, then you won't know that I have spent the weekend in London, and I was ill with the rubbish tummy bug last week, hence why I've been struggling to post through the last week or so. You may also know that I love Tuesdays because it's my sister's only day off college, so we will usually find time to do something in the day, (before or after work) and then when Luke goes to badminton, I get my girly night of the week, which usually consists of crappy food, cute films and face masks. I used to have a girly night every day of the week before Luke decided to move in with me- and now I find myself slacking in this department, cos I just want to jump into bed (not in that way, dirty monkeys), but I'm just so tired that cuddles are way more important than fake tan haha. wow, who is this new girl?! Since new year, I wanted to be a little less high- maintenance, and I think it's because whenever I see my work friends outside of work, they look so different and gorgeous, where as I just look the same! Anyway, my point on it being Tuesday is that I had prepared all my photos that I took in London, and then photos of everything that I bought in London... AND THEN I CAN'T FIND MY CAMERA LEAD! gah, this drives me absolutely crazy! I'm sure I have tiny fairies in my room! 
I'm rambling on as usual.. but I thought you all deserved an explanation! 
Okay, I'm gonna go before I talk about even more irrelevant things.
Good night! xxxx

i did it again..

January 7, 2013
I really do believe I have a problem. If I see something I like, I have to have it. Why? Because I have no will power. None. Zilch. My new NY resolution that I've made today is that I need to stop splurging out on impulse products because I'm forever owing money and I will literally never pay it back! So here are a few bits I bought today... 

These boots were £16 from Select, but when I got      This ring was (as you can see) only £1. Got to have it! 
to the till, it turned out that they were only £10.
Very happy Jessie. 

Anyone who knows me knows that I can't resist This was £10 on sale from Select. It's a ribbed 
buying anything that's Hello Kitty, so when I saw these material which I really like because it's not clingy!

for £1, I needed them. My excuse is that I can keep them Skater dresses fon't really suit me, but I thought
in my car, and they will come handy. The real excuse is that it would look good with a leather jacket this
because they look super cute and smell of strawberries. winter..

I got this Ted Baker set in the half price sale at Boots-- I couldn't resist going back!- and it was £8.
I think it's absolutely gorgeous; I love the colours of it, and the fact that I can use the box afterwards 
is always a great thing. The brush really intrigued me- I don't think I've ever seen a brush that has a 
lid before. I get so excited over such sad things! haha. You can't see it, but there is an engraved part
which just makes it look expensive in my opinion.  

These little babies are the only things that I look I was so excited when I saw this! It's from the MUA range
forward to every year! Easter = bunnies. If you've not for Superdrug and it was £1.50. I think it's like the velvet
tried these, then you've got to try them.  manicure from Ciate which I've wanted for so long but 
They are the best things in the  every time I go to get it, it's sold out. I'm gonna try this
entire world! yum yum yummmmm!   when I can have the heart to take my current polish off -- I'll upload a picture of it next and I'm so in love with it!  Anyway, I do hope 
that this is as good as I'm expecting!
Would have saved me £12 if so!


So here are my current nails. I did them myself this weekend and I've literally not stopped looking at them all weekend haha. It was so easy to do too! I painted 3 nails white (it did take a few coats) and the other 2 a pale pink. Then I took the pale pink that I used to paint the 2 nails and put 3 circles on each of the white nails, then whilst they were drying, used the end of a small paint brush to do the white dots on the pink nails. Then I took a darker shade of pink (I used a coral colour) and using a dotting tool, put a swirl on each light pink dot. I then took a very pale, pastel green and made 'leaves'. Then I used a Sally Hansen top coat which has worked a treat and they've not chipped! :) happy times! 

How do you like my nails? Have you all been sale shopping? 

lots of love xxx


Happy New Years!

January 7, 2013
Happy New Years everybody!
We're a week in to 2013, my resolution of losing weight went out the window (sort of) yesterday, and I'm sick of this year already! haha. It's been very unexciting.. I went out to celebrate new years eve at a club in Nottingham, where I paid £15 for a ticket (and I paid for Luke's), so that's £30. Before I went out, I needed new jewellery, tights and shoes, alcohol and lipstick. An extra £50. In town, I think I bought 3 drinks so let's say £15. Then the taxi home was £17 which I paid £5 towards.. Okay, so that's £100. For one night out. One night out that has cost me another £500 because some thieving scum-bag stole my fucking phone. GAH! So I paid all that money, to A. not even be drunk and B. get my phone stolen, be in a shit mood, and be home by 1:30am. Tragic. I must say that I didn't realise my phone had gone until after midnight, so I did have an amazing time for the new year, but it's definitely not worth the £100! 
Anyway, I do always say that everything happens for a reason, so I now have a lovely white 4s with bigger memory, so there we go.. ha ha.  Let's just say that next year, I'm going away somewhere a hell of a lot better than Nottingham. 

I went out for my work's Christmas do part 2 on Saturday night. We went for a meal at a local pub, which was actually really lovely. It was so nice to see everyone all together and looking different to how we all look at work. A few left early- some because they had work the next morning, and others because maybe they were bored of my company :( ha- but the rest of us went on to have a LOT of wine, and ended up going into town for a drink. By this point, the wine had made me completely and utterly wasted and I pretty much blanked out getting home. Apparently I was sick all over the bathroom (nice one Jess), and was being sick all of yesterday. Let's just say I'm staying away from wine for a very long while now, thanks!  
Here's the dress that I wore to the meal-- It was from a small shop called Magenta, where everything is £5 or £10. Bargain! 
(close up of the top half of my dress!)

I also nipped into Primark to get some leggings, and picked up these two gems:
Okay, this jacket looks like a bag of shit here, but I      This bag was £3 in the sale, and I just loved the
promise it is way nicer in person and looks lovely         colour and style of it! Also from Primark.
I thought it looked very chic and could dress up 
and it's very light which is nice for cloudy
days. It's more 
of a purple-grey than it looks here!
  £19, Primark.

So there you have it, my new clothes for the week. I'll do a wish list later on cos there are a few bits that I'm dying to have! And I'm gonna do a January OOD where any outfits I pop on, I will take a picture and then show at the end of the month! 
Toodaloo xxx

New Years Eve get up!

December 30, 2012
So that's it. Christmas is gone. All the excitement, all the wrapping, the busy shops, the over eating. It's all gone. Christmas is most definitely my favourite time of year, but once it's gone, I just want it to disappear, rather than hang around. I hate dwelling on something that's passed-- and the end of Christmas means the end of work holidays so I'll be back making coffee in a couple of days. I'm going on holiday in less than 2 months and I've totally overate and definitely need to lose a few pounds before the trip, but post-christmas blues are put on hold now I have something to look forward to!

So tomorrow is New Years Eve. How has this year passed so quickly?! I literally feel like I've blinked and it's disappeared. I keep being asked whether it's been a good year, or whether I'm hoping next year will be better, but in all honesty, this year has just been average! I can't say it's been an amazing year- but it's definitely not been the worst. I think this summer has been one of the best summers I have had though, that's for sure. Who knows, maybe this time next year I will be saying that next summer was the best summer of my life, but until then, I just won't know! So with tomorrow being one of the biggest events of the year, I've actually decided to PLAN something. Yes, me. I've planned something. I usually stay away from plans because I find that they never actually work out, but I guess you can say it's a half-plan. I've bought tickets, along with my boyfriend and my closest friends, to an event in the city. We've kept it vague as to what we're doing before it, which I guess will be a nice pre-drink at my house to avoid the ghastly costs of drink in town, so it's not technically a plan! haha. 
I always think that New Year is the time to look your best. New outfits are a must. Big hair and extravagant makeup are also high on the agenda, so tomorrow will consist of face masks, hair masks, fake tan, fake lashes, rollers- the works! I sound like a drag queen haha. I plan on wearing this cute little lace-patterned peplum dress that my little sis bought me for Christmas, with some sky-scraper heels and I'm thinking lashes and a red lip are a must. I'll also be trying out my new hair curlers, and I'm sure there will be lots of photos for you all to see over the next few days.. 
I hope you guys all have a fab New Year and don't get too drunk. I'm totally kidding- please get slaughtered! 
See you in the New Year! 

Just a quick message to say thanks for all the support in the past year- I never imagined to have as many readers as this, and if even one of my reviews helps you or inspires you then it has all been worth while! So thanks to all of you, xxxx

50 things.

December 29, 2012
Bit of a random one really, but I was tagged by a friend to do it so there we go! 

Apple juice or orange juice? Orange.
Are you a morning or night person? Morning.
Which do you prefer sweet or salty foods? Sweet.
Ninjas or pirates? I'm not five.
Ninjas vs pirates, discuss. No comment.
Autobots or Decepticons? Autobots 100%
What was your favorite childhood television program? Probably Rosie and Jim.
Are you a collector of anything? Hello Kitty things & makeup!
If you could be any animal, what would you be? Dolphin or penguin.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To be invisible.
What is usually your first thought when you wake up? What time is it?
What do you usually think about right before falling asleep? Whether or not I have to set alarms.
What's your favorite color? Plum or Burgundy.
What's your favorite animal?  Penguins.
Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets? erm, no I don't. 
Do you believe in ghosts? Definitely.
Ever been addicted to a video/computer game? Nope. MSN if that counts.
You're given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on? Holidays, clothes, makeup. how shallow.
Have any bad habits? Not that I can think of. I'm very mardy though.
Which bad habits, if any, drive you crazy? People that bite their nails.
List 3 of your best personality traits: Witty, cheerful, optimistic.
List 3 of your worst personality traits: Mardy, sarcastic, hypochondriac.
Have any celebrity crushes? Alex Pettyfer. 
List 1 thing you wish you could change about yourself: My weight. 
Any tattoos or piercings? Just a few piercings. nothing exciting.
What's the first thing you notice in the opposite sex? eyes or teeth. 
What personality traits do you look for in a partner? faithfulness, humour, kindness.
What personality traits do you dislike in other people? annoyance, arrogance, big-headedness.
Are you mostly a clean or messy person? so messy.
Do you see yourself getting married in the next 5 years? Never say never..
-----random line--------
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Italy, maybe. 
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? Dubai or Hawaii. 
-----random line--------
Name 1 regret you have: something personal.
Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid: Having no responsibility.
Name 1 thing you love about being an adult: Having responsibility. haha.
What's your favorite song of the moment? One Direction- Kiss you. It's catchy ok!
What's your favorite song of all time? Katy Perry- If we ever meet again.
What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night? Go out and partaay.
What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon? Eat crap & watch TV.
Have any hidden talents? I can make a rain drop noise with my mouth..
You're about to walk the green mile, what do you have as your last meal? Dominos.
What would be your dream job? Magazine editor. 
Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love? Haha, true love I guess.
If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be? 
1. For more wishes! Greedy.
2. Good health
3.Good wealth. 
Ever wish you were born the opposite sex? No, they suckkk! haha.
Name 1 thing not many people know about you: I'm not as shallow as I seem. 
If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to? Talula.
Do you believe in the afterlife? To an extent. 
On the topic of abortion, how do you feel about cookies? fuckin' love em.