your hostess: 'Jessica Emily

Welcome to my humble blog.

i love leopard print, lace and anything that resembles Cath Kidston.

i hate the ends of sausages. i hate opening gates. i hate it when you wake up and there's nothing for breakfast.

Happy reading!

lots of love.. Jessie.' xoxo

my every day face!

December 29, 2012
Hello again! I think I'm slightly enthusiastic today haha. 
I've never done one of these before, simply because I don't usually have a 'plan' to my makeup, I just throw on whatever I find necessary that day, but I have been using pretty much the same routine for a couple of weeks now so I figured I'd go ahead and do one. 
*This post may be a little heavy so I might make it into two posts. and I didnt have my camera when these photos were taken so they're low-quality iphone pics!*


So here's my base/ first step.
No7- Calm Skin. I got this a few years ago because I suffer from really red cheeks, especially when I get out the bath/shower, but I pretty much forgot it existed. I've been using it for about 3 months now, and it really does seem to have an effect on my cheeks! For a cheaper alternative, there's a new range of skin/ body treats out in Tesco (I believe they're called 'Along Came Betty') and they're currently priced at introductory prices under £2! I have all of them and I'm so impressed with them- I think they are designed to be a cheaper alternative to Soap and Glory. After this, I tend to pop a quick roll of Garnier caffeine roll on just under my eyes to relieve any dark shadows and puffiness. And then it depends how dry my skin is feeling that day but if it's really dry, I put on Nivea Soft moisturiser, but usually it just needs a bit of waking up, so I use Nivea Express Primer, which is good for moisturising, but personally, I don't think it's amazing as a primer. Then I mix Soap and Glory's Hocus Focus with Along came Betty's Glow On for a nice glow to my face. I especially like to use this when my face is looking dull and lifeless! Then, I use a lot of lipsticks lately, so I need my lips to not be dry, and I find Carmex treats my lips perfectly! 


Okay, now for my face. I suppose I should have added this to my last section-- when I was writing it, I did wonder why I had missed it, but luckily here it is! haha. It's the Bourjois Flower Perfection Primer. I picked this up last month some time because it was on offer, and I was looking for a new primer because they tend to have no effect on me. Anyway, this stuff does exactly what it says it should- it practically airbrushes your face, although the primer side to it leaves a lot to be desired I guess. It does, however, leave your skin perfectly smooth. I then will use the different coloured concealers to cover certain parts of my face, and then use Benefit's Boi-ing concealer over blemishes because it has a good, thick consistency. Then, depending on what I'm doing/ what my skin is like, I either use Bourjois 123 Perfect or Clarins Skin Illusion foundations.. If I have super-red cheeks, a really uneven complex, or I just need a heavier coverage, I use the Bourjois one. I love it because of the different coloured pigments that it contains, which really do cover every aspect of an imperfection. My only downside to this foundation is that it is a little too light for me and makes me look poorly, so I have to use bronzer over the top. I like the Clarins one when I'm having a lazy day but have to pop out, or am feeling low-maintenance as it's really thin, and leaves your skin looking dewy and fresh, but not so great coverage. Then, because my cheeks usually need a little more coverage, the gel-like formula of Rimmel's Match Perfection in the tub as oppose to a tube covers it perfectly. It has just the right texture and coverage to layer over another foundation for the perfect complexion. I then pop on a powder- either a mineral powder like Bare Minerals or I've been using just a 'Silk' translucent powder which I find gives a lovely smooth finish. 
On my cheeks, I usually use the 17 bronzer underneath my cheekbones, my temples, just below my hairline on my forehead and under my chin, and if I remember, down the sides of my nose. Then I use the 17 blusher, which is a dark shade of pink just on my cheek bones. I added the picture of the Rimmel Wake Me Up Cream Blusher because I like using this with the Clarins foundation to add to the dewy look.

 I thought I'd take a picture of the Urban Decay Naked 2 set and Look Beauty's Brow Perfect! set so you could get an idea of what I'm working with.. 

I start off by doing my eyebrows. I love this set by Look Beauty (as you know, I love all of their products), but I think this is the best eyebrow set I've come across yet. I love how many different colours you get in it, making it very versatile. I use it every single day without fail. If I'm going for a casual look, I generally use the very top colour, or if I have heavy eyeliner, I tend to use a mix of the last two colours etc.. It's very easy to use and you do get stencils, although I find they don't suit my face all too well. Definitely recommend this to you all! 
Then, I will almost always use my Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette if I'm wearing a shadow. The shadows are perfectly pigmented and they last all day. I love the mix of shimmer and matte colours you get and they all compliment one another perfectly, so you can create so many different looks. I must admit that in the last week, I've been skipping eye shadow and just going for a thick retro eyeliner flick paired with a red lip, but that's mainly out of pure laziness haha. I usually use a Gel Eyeliner, such as this one that I picked up from a cheap makeup shop near to where I live. I love it because it's so easily blendable, yet so striking. It lines your eyes perfectly and lasts all day. I then usually use a mix of all three mascaras; L'oreal Paris Volume Million Lashes, L'oreal Paris Collegen and Borjois Liner effect. The Million Lashes is mainly used to separate and spread out lashes, whilst collegen boosts volume and the Liner effect draws attention to the very base of lashes, making them look irresistible! 

Now, I've lost the pictures that I took for the 'lips' section, but I suppose I can explain without an image.. 
I tend to brush my lips softly with an old toothbrush to remove any dry skin once a week or so, and then apply lots of lip balm before I go to bed. I line my lips with a suitable lip pencil (usually nude) and then I apply what ever colour I intend to wear with a lip brush, taking it straight from the lipstick tube itsself. Then I will blot with some tissue, and dab more lippy on straight from the tube without using my brush because I find that you get a better colour pay off! 

wow, that was a little long-winded, but don't say I didn't warn you! haha. 
I hope you enjoyed this, and I'm hoping I've inspired some of you to do your own or at least try out some products I've used! 

sale shopping... and not so sale shopping!

December 29, 2012
Hellooooo! I've been ill for the last couple of days, mainly with a sore throat and headache- (I think there is definitely a bug floating around, and if anyone is gonna catch it, it's got to be me!)- so I've been pretty much house-ridden. How typical is that when I finally get more than 2 days off in a row?! Anyway, yesterday I figured that I should really stop feeling sorry for myself and get out, thinking the fresh air (if that's what you can call it in Nottingham) may do me some good. Let's just say this- going out didn't do my poor bank account very good! 

Take a peek at what I got!

Primark- £8 Primark- £5

Primark- £6 Matalan- £8

Primark- £8 (Shirt) Matalan- £6

swim suit; Matalan- £4 bikini top; Matalan- £4

Hello Kitty Vans; Schuh- £40 FCUK bag; Boots- WAS £45 NOW £22.50

Seriously impressed with Boots this year. Everything is half price-- so in effect, I spent £90, which came to £45 aaaaand I even paid the whole thing in points that I gained just in December. Happy daysssss! 

so there we have it- a little look into what I've bought this week. 
I'm going to London mid-Jan, so I really need to save now! Haha, just watch me.

Jessie xxx 


Christmas snaps

December 26, 2012
Happy Christmas everybodyyyyy! I hope you all had a wonderful, festive Christmas yesterday and the big man in the red suit bought you everything you wished for! 
I just thought I'd share a few snaps with you from yesterday and today-- I got a new camera off my boyfriend so I've been snapping away. I'll show you a few bits that I got from Santa, too! 

*please excuse the poor excuse for photography- it's new okay?!) 

 Okay, so this is my baby of a camera! It's the best camera in the world.. (haha, it's clearly not, but it is to me)  I took this off Google, obviously seeing as I can't take a picture of the camera with the camera, (I'm gonna be saying camera a lot), but it's pretty identical to this. It's perfect for my little hands, and it's not fiddly to hold so there's less chance of me dropping this one! haha. Anyway, like I said, it was from Luke and I'm totally in love with it. I think whilst typing this and eating my dinner yesterday have been the only times it hasn't been glued to my hands. anywhoooooo, here are some snaps! 




So there we have it. Christmas with the Starbucks! Hope you're having a great Christmas, and have a happy New Year!


New nailzzz!

December 18, 2012
I've recently got a little thing for nail polishes. Usually I don't bother with them because I work with food and drinks so I'm not allowed to wear it during the week, but when the weekend comes, I just pop on anything to cover my horribly plain nails! Anyway, seeing as it's Christmas and I'm gonna be going out a fair bit and I'll have time off work too, I really wanted some pretty polish for the holidays. I was hoping for glitter, and lots of it, but I only saw a couple that took my fancy. 
So here are my favourite nail colours of the month: 

*please excuse my disgusting dressing table!*  These are the matte ones that have become my favourite in the last month. Left: Barry M Gelly polish. I like this because it's a really nice pale purple. I don't tend to like the colour purple, but it really is growing on me in the more recent months. I chose this because I wanted something eye catching for when I'm wearing a pretty bland outfit. Not just that, but I was intrigued by the whole 'gelly' concept, although I won't lie- I'm not too keen on the finish. I think it looks somewhat dirty, but I think that's me being fussy! haha. I also got a red one of this, but I didn't really like it because I don't think it's bright enough and leaves a bit of a dull finish. I found that the red also chipped really easily. 
In the middle is the Sally Hanson polish. This picture makes it look slightly turquoise, but it's a very pale grey that goes on so evenly with no tell-tale lines. I love the colour because it's so subtle, but does make your nails look surprisingly pretty! I got this one from poundland! 
And finally on the right is a polish from Look Magazine's makeup range. Now, I have raved about their range before, having tried bronzers, blushers, foundations and lipsticks and all of them being top notch in my opinion, so I knew that I was gonna get a good colour here. I love love love this colour. Again, it's very subtle, but it looks absolutely stunning and everyone always asks where I get it from and if it's a professional colour! noone would ever know. 

Now for the shimmery ones! On the left is a Max Factor polish that I actually got free when I spent over £15 a couple of weeks ago. At the first glance, I wasn't too fussed about it and threw it into my polish bag, but I was looking for a shimmery colour to wear this weekend with my shimmery clothes and I tried this. It takes two coats to bring out the opacity that it needs, but it does look really lovely when it's finally done! Then on the right is another Sally Hansen polish which comes out so lovely. The main thing that keeps me coming back to this polish is the brush! It's so wide and soft that it applies the polish perfectly. I absolutely love it. 

aah, and now for the best! GLITTER.. 
The left and right polished are by Makeup Academy (a range specially designed for Superdrug). I don't know if any of you have tried any of their products, but I have always been impressed. Most of their products are £1, although they have a few new products that can range up to £5, but that's hardly extortionate is it!? I've always found that the quality of their products are amazing considering the price tag that they come with, so I was happy to fork out £2 to try their new glittery nail polishes. And what a well-spent £2 it was! They come out fantastically, although I would recommend putting two coats on (don't literally put two jackets on whilst applying- you'll get hot) to get the full coverage. Go ahead and try these! 
Then in the middle is my absolute faaaavourite! It's Barry M, so you already know that it's gonna be good- but I didn't expect it to be this good! It's such a Christmassy colour, so it's perfect for the upcoming week. I'm so excited to put it on when I break up this Friday! hehe. 

What are your favourites? xxxx

shopping haul!

December 18, 2012
Hello everybodyyyy! 
I've bought quite a few bits in the last couple of weeks, so I thought I'd pick out my favourite pieces and show them you.
*ah crap, just realised I missed out the deep-purple peplum skirt i got :(*

If you read this regularly, or just happened to read a couple of posts back, you'll realise that I got this top from Primark in a dusky pink colour. I think I originally got it for about £12 and I wear it tonnes, so when I saw this one for just £4, I figured I couldn't go wrong! I love the colour-- If you can see, it's black with shimmery gold tones in-bedded into it with a chain-like collar. I didn't take a picture of the back, but it's quite open at the top which I thought was really different. I'm thinking of wearing this with the purple peplem skirt I mentioned above? Any suggestions? I think it's quite a Christmassy top anyway!


 my sister bought this dress for herself last week from Primark, but I'm not sure how much it was.. Anyway, it was too small for her, so she asked me if I'd like it, but I wasn't so sure if I did. I tried it on and realised that, actually, I quite like it. And seeing as I plan on going out alot this Christmas, I really like the thought of wearing it with either a leather jacket or a blazer and some big heels. woo! 


 I got this top from TK Maxx last weekend. When i picked it up, my mum and boyfriend said the same thing that they always do-- 'it looks like every other top youve got. blahblah' - what do they know? haha. Anyway, at £6, I couldn't really put it back down. It's so delicate and I love the collar on it, but it's too heavy that it weighs it down and looks a little stupid. I think I need some tape to keep it up... 


 This was also from TK Maxx. I liked the retro look of it, what with the pleated bottom and the 'flaps' (for lack of a better word) at the top. I thought they were really cute and made the dress look unique. I haven't worn this yet, but I'm going out for a Christmas meal over the weekend so I will hopefully wear this then! I can't remember exactly how much it was-- roughly £10-£16. 

 Again, this was from TK Maxx last weekend.. I bought it because it had caught my eye a few times when I was wondering around and I really liked the colour of it. I've been looking for a nice red dress for quite some time, and I literally don't own anything red yet so I figured I'd try this first before I splurge out on a dress.. Again, this is yet to be worn, but I do think it would look really good with some leggins.


Not sure why I took this with and without the flash, cos I don't actually think that the flash gives it anything extra, but there you go haha. (This is the dress that I was talking about a few posts back when I wore it to a party.) Basically, it was from New Look in the boutique-y section and it was £24,99 but my friend had a gift card with like £6 left on it so she gave that to me. I love it because it's so classy and elegant and the detailing doesn't make it look tacky and cheap, which is my top hate with most dresses. 


 I've wanted a sequin blazer for such a long time now, and I was in my local Tesco a couple of weeks ago, and this was in the sale for £16 reduced from £30. There was only one left and it was in my size, which can only mean one thing: fate! I'm yet to wear it, but I think it will be perfect for sprucing up outfits this winter! 

  Okay, so I've wanted the T'shirts from Topshop since I first saw them! You all know the ones.. 'Geek' being the most popular. Everytime I happened to pop into my nearest Topshop, they never happened to have my size, or they were all sold out, but I did plan on ordering this online when I got paid this week. This was until the other day... I was walking through Primark cos it was raining outside and I saw this out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't believe my luck-- they are literally identical and they're only £4! FOUR POUNDS! I don't think you can really go wrong on £4 can you? I picked this one up in a large because, when I put it against my body, it looked long enough to wear with a pair of leggins if I just fancied a lazy day. I also got a khaki green one saying 'NERD' on it which was also £4. I do believe that there is also a navy blue vest, although I can't quite remember what it said on it. I'm pretty sure that these will be a sell out item and they really do look identical to the ones from Topshop! savvaaaay! 

  And finally, I picked up these boots for £5. I just got these for the simple reason that I am sick of not being able to find my UGGs. I literally have looked everywhere and cannot find them. I do have some black ones, but they are weirdly uncomfortable for some reason. I think my sister has had her gross feet in them again! haha. so yeah, thought it was wise to pick up these for lazy days this Christmas. 

much love! 

a month of Instagram.

December 15, 2012

1.A poserific photo of myself in Luke's bedroom. Was feeling creative!   2.Out for a majorly early Christmas meal, won a moustache from the cracker.  3.  Something I saw on a friends' instagram that reminded me of myself haha.   4.My amazing floor-length poncho. warmest. thing. ever!    5.My first go at sparkley nails in forever!   6.Took this whilst having a coffee with my sister cos i quite liked my hair that day..  7. Onesie night with my little sis.  8. Cranberry and orange muffin from work, yum!  9.Me & mr. lukey at Rizzle Kicks.  10. Poncho night by myself. wine and chocolate.  11. Worked late and came home to dinner & wine on the table. :)  12. First try at fairisle nails-- didn't go too well!  13. Our beautiful (but a little too big) Christmas tree. aww.  14. Spent the day with my dad & he bought me a hot chocolate cos I was literally almost dying from the cold!  15. mumma bought me some ear muffs.  16. Liked my hair cos it looked like Cheryl Cole's haha.   17.Girly night with my sister and adopted sister..  18.The cocacola lorry! #HOLIDAYSARECOMING   19.My festive nails from yesterday- didn't actually like them so i changed them to   20.Little Santa nails. I also have Santa hats and his coat & belt on my nails too. Totally cute!   21.Today's look- went out with the girls but fancied a little play around on a new app i got. 

so there you have it! a month of photographs. xxx

quick fix eyeliner.

December 9, 2012
so I'm sure you've all had that moment: You're out somewhere, you get out your makeup bag either to touch-up or to do your makeup for the day, you're almost done and then you realise you've left that pesky face powder/ lip liner on your dressing table when you were rushing to get out. gah, it drives me crazy! I regularly do it when I'm swapping bags and have forgotten to transfer my trusty max factor face powder compact and all that I can see is my shiny nose for the rest of the day.
Yesterday this happened to me. I stopped at my boyfriend's and was sure that I had taken all my necessities for work the following day. Now, anyone that knows me knows that I can't possibly go a day without liquid/gel eyeliner. I just think that it really brings out my eyes (which in my opinion are my best feature). Not just that, but it stops them from looking so round and bug-like haha. Anyway, after I'd realised that I'd forgotten this statement piece, I immediately went into a state of panic and was adamant that I was gonna find a substitute. Almost immediately, I grabbed my mascara and a hair grip, the only things that I thought were logical. It wasn't perfectly straight, but for some makeshift eyeliner, it did an awfully good job! 

you see? haha, not so bad at all! 

christmas shopping & busy times.

December 4, 2012
gahhh, it's almost Christmasss! As soon as it hits the first of December, I turn 5 again. Every Christmas decoration I see, be it lights or a tree or even a tacky sticker on someone's window, my eyes light up with excitement. Literally, I think that every year, me and my sister get more and more excited. Instead of growing up, I think we're growing down for sure. so yeah, that's why there's been a serious lack of type here over the last two weeks. I've completely finished my Christmas shopping though, and there's not much more I need to do in time for Santa coming, thank god. I literally never even realised how much hassle it is to shop properly-- me & May went to get mum and dad's presents at the weekend and I think our hands were moments away from actually dropping off. 
Hope you've all started yours too! 

My new best friend.

November 20, 2012

I'm finally gonna do a review on a single product, and seeing as this has taken over pretty much every other mascara I own, I figured this is the one to do it with. 
It's called 'Lash Extender Lashes in a Bottle' and it's by a company called Divaderme, which I have never heard of. I picked this up off KGB deals' website, (which I never go on, but just so happened to click on last week) for £12. Now, I have seen this product on Wowcher a couple of times, but I have never taken any notice of it cos I've heard that these kind of things don't work, so I can't tell you how much it was on there, but I know originally it is priced at £45, which I think is very steep for this, although I have just looked on Ebay, and the cheapest price is £9, so there we go. 
Anyway, I'm not sure if you can tell in this picture as I didn't realise it, but the bottle is extremely small in comparison to most other mascaras out there on the market, but don't worry! When you use it, you will realise how little you need to actually achieve great lashes. This bottle is full of tiny little black fibers (like very, very small, delicate hairs) which you roll onto lashes that have been coated with a wet mascara, which then attach to it, making them rival any fake lashes you've ever seen! You then have to reapply your mascara, which is meant to seal the fibers to the lashes, and it says you can repeat if you want them any bigger. Now, I would say this, you have to make sure that you have a really wet mascara, or it doesn't work as well. My sister had just that day gotten a new mascara, so I was lucky enough to use that, but I tried it this morning with my every-day mascara, which is not as wet, and it didn't work half a well.. As well, you have to make sure that you look down at a mirror whilst rolling the fibers onto your lashes or you get them all in your eye, which is obviously gonna hurt.. Another thing, make sure you put on enough mascara to seal the fibers cos (like I said) I used a more dry mascara today which didn't really seal it, and I ended up with it falling into my eye all day. 
This was after just the one coat: 

Good huh?! 
Have you tried this? xxx

feeling much better.

November 18, 2012
It's official. It's time to get my sorry ass back into gear. It's almost Christmas for God's sake, and I refuse to have a crappy time over my favourite holiday period. Chinese is ordered, face mask is on, I have spend an inordinate amount of money this weekend, and even made my boyfriend take me to see the new Twilight. I am feeling so much better. I'm gonna put on a hair mask, eat my chinese and then go off to bed for snuggles cos I have work very early (boo). 
Short and sweet post, but I just hate to be a blogging-borehead. anywho, hope you're all okay. Got a few new products over the weekend so I will be reviewing them in due course.
night xxx