your hostess: 'Jessica Emily

Welcome to my humble blog.

i love leopard print, lace and anything that resembles Cath Kidston.

i hate the ends of sausages. i hate opening gates. i hate it when you wake up and there's nothing for breakfast.

Happy reading!

lots of love.. Jessie.' xoxo

a few things going on.

November 13, 2012
I'm sorry if I seem a little bland of late. I have quite a few things going off in my life that need sorting before I can fully concentrate. It's so hard typing and being in a quiet environment because I just have so many things going around in my head right now. 

Today, I am starting my diet. I've hit a rocky patch in my relationship, and certain things have happened that I will surely bring up when everything has died down a little, but right now I'm feeling that I need to get back to my old self. I need to show some people who I really am, and not have them thinking that they're better than what I am. I also need certain people to realise how lucky they are. This will make no sense to you unless you're one of my closest friends, but right now- I can't even bare to talk about it. </3 that's my broken heart :( 

this was me the other night. I think my hair and lipstick looks lovely, but for some reason, some bitches decided to make me feel inferior, and ruined my night- no they ruined my week. Homewreckers, eh? 

okay, i'm going for a nap now- been awake all night. xxx

recent primark haul.

November 12, 2012
okay, it's half way through November.. How many of you have actually done any Christmas shopping?! This year, I swore that I wasn't going to leave it late but yet again, I've barely bought anything. Over the last year, I've become what some of you would most definitely class as a shopaholic. I can't even turn on my laptop without going onto a website and spending a fortune. I've said it before, and I'll say it again- someone needs to take my money off me. Anyway, I've found that everytime I go to do some Christmas shopping, it turns into a 'personal shop' of things that i 'need' (so don't need). ugh! I'll never be ready for Christmas. 
So this post was really just to show you a few of my new buys over the last week or two. 

If you've been into Primark recently, you'll see that there are so many things that are on 'sale' (Primark is already practically a sale in comparison to the other high street shops of late). I picked this up for a bargain price of £3. As you'll know, I love sheer tops and anything lacey, so when I saw it for that price, it would've been stupid for me to not get it. I know that it looks exactly like about 10 other tops in my wardrobe, but they really do match anything, so i figured you can never have too many! 

I already owned a denim shirt, but it was too thick. Think denim jacket, but long. Not happening. I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking when I bought it, but I believe it was from Internacional (I have a feeling I've spelt that wrong), but yeah. Whenever I see someone wearing a denim shirt over an outfit, I always wish I could pull it off. I'm yet to wear it, cos it's so chilly at the minute, so I'd rather wear a big coat and scarf than a flimsy shirt. I love that this is a lot thinner-- I think because I'm not thin that bulky material makes me look even bigger than I am, so that's why I was looking for a thinner version. I like how on trend this is with the gold studded collar too. Big thumbs up to Primark for this one. (I think it was about £13). 

 I picked up the black version of this top originally cos I don't own many black tops. I liked the style of this-- it's not often you get a top that is shorter at the back than the front, and I found that a little intriguing. Anyway, I wanted this top cos, like I said, I don't have many black tops and seeing as black goes with pretty much everything, I couldn't go wrong. As it goes, I never really look at prices in Primark, especially with tops like this because they are never an extortionate amount, but this one happened to catch my eye. £2. wow. And as luck had it, the white one was also on sale for £2 too. haaaappyyyyy. Really, can you blame me for wanting them?! You can barely even get a mcdonalds meal for that money and here I was with two tops. :') extremely happy indeed. 

I picked this one up last week for £3. It's a navy blue, and it's very sheer. I think I only own like one other navy coloured piece of clothing, and that's a dress, so I figured I'd give it a go. It's a little too short in my opinion. I wore it with leggins, but realised it needed a longer vest underneath, which then thrown off all the balance to the outfit. I have a feeling it would look nice with some black jeans and wedges for a casual night out. 

I got this top that day I went to Meadowhall-- It's such a pretty top! I've wore it a number of times now, and everytime have gotten a great compliment. It's so sheer, and skims just the right areas. I like the length of it-- it's not too short, but not at that awkward length where it makes you look a little dumpy. I really like it. So far, I've worn it with jeans, a skirt, leggins and my disco pants (not all at the same time haha), and it's looked great with each of them! Such a versatile top. 

I also got just a baggy leopard print top for £2 too, but that's very unexciting so I'm not gonna post a photo of that. I also got some bits and bobs e.g. bobbles, brush, earrings and a necklace. I'm sure there were other things too, but I can't quite remember.. 

Whilst I'm here, I may as well show you a couple more bits I've bought, though they aren't from Primark.. 

I got this peplum top from a nearby store where everything is either £5 or £10- this was at the £10 end. I've wanted one for a while now, but every time I try one on, they seem unflattering for my figure. This being said, I needed a white top for this stupid black and white themed party I went to and this seemed to fit the bill.. In the end, I got a different dress and ended up wearing that --i wish i never even went to be fair-- but yeah, so now it's just sitting in my wardrobe waiting to be worn. I am gonna try it out one day this week though hopefully. 

I got this top from Internacionale (I think that's how you spell it). I'm always a little worried with this shop cos sometimes you can go in and there will be so many things that you could buy, but at other times I find that everything in there is cheap and totally unwearable, so I guess you have to give it a 50/50 chance. Anyway, I got this cos I liked the beading on it. I was looking for something a little more decorative cos I find that my tops are very plain, and this seemed to fit the bill. I have wore it a few times, but only shopping etc- I haven't found a way to make it look dressy yet, but there's time! haha. 

I have bought a few jumpers/ cardigans etc in the past few weeks too, seeing as it's so bloody freezing here. 

how do you like my new buys? xxx

little sisters.

November 9, 2012
why do we have to have annoyances such as those? if we have to have them, why can't they be normal. why do you have to embarrass me? take my things then lie to me? irritate me? and always ask so much of me? gr. 

A couple of weeks ago (when i went to Meadowhall), i purchased a new foundation and a new eyebrow contour set which in total, cost me around £30. I then used them for around 3 days afterwards, but then that magic fairy that seems to enjoy taking my things, took them away. Now, i asked everyone (especially my sister) if she has seen these items.. of course she said no. I stressed, and i made a whole lotta mess looking around my room searching for these things. This morning, (we are about two weeks ahead now), I have gone in to take something into her room, and noticed that they are both sat on her bed, a quarter used, and no longer brand new. 

mais, if you're reading this- you are no longer getting anything for xmas, so i hope you enjoyed it beyatch. 

hope your sisters are a whole lot better than mine.

my new love

November 6, 2012
my new love
omg. it's official- i've jumped on the 'disco pants' band-wagon. I was so sceptical at first as to whether or not i'd even fit into a pair, seeing as i'm not the typical size 0 person who's usually spotted in them, so i bought a cheaper pair just off ebay to see what they were like. I totally love them and haven't taken them off since i got them. they are so flattering and go with everything you could think of, and can either be dressed up or down accordingly. I've now just bought a more expensive pair, so hopefully these will make just as high of an expectation as the other ones did.
have you tried disco pants? do you like them? xxx

a quick restyle

November 6, 2012
a quick restyle
personally, i think i look super hot in this picture. haha just kidding. I uploaded it frankly because it was the first one i saw, and i'm testing out this new layout. I am never ever satisfied with my blog- it never looks sophisticated enough for my liking, but I think this is the most sophisticated layout to date. What do you guys think? 
I don't really have that much else to say today, just that I'm so tired from this weekend's antics, so I think an early night is in order tonight. Also, is it just me, or is it feeling so christmassy already?! oh i love christmas! 
p.s. I've bought Benefit's "How to look good the best at everything" and also Clarin's "skin illusion natural radiance foundation", which hopefully will arrive tomorrow so i'll have to review those in the next week. Have any of you tried them? let me know what you think! 

day 30

November 5, 2012
so this is the final day of my 30 day challenge. i've enjoyed it as it's actually given me something different to write about other than makeup, hair and fashion. I hope you've all enjoyed it and got to know the real me a little better! :)

Day 30- what is your favourite song? 
It would have to be You Belong With Me- Taylor Swift. It's such a happy song, and no matter what, it always puts me in an awesome mood. haha. I think it came about when me and an ex broke up, and i was somewhat heartbroken (looking back now i don't know why) but her album really did help me through it. First, i was listening to sad songs that made me cry even more, and then i listened to the ones that make you feel good about yourself, and then i listened to happy songs. and i was completely happy! so that's why i love that song. xxx

Collection 2000 lasting colour lipstick

November 4, 2012

 okay, so i currently have a total obsession with these lipsticks! They are called Collection 2000 lasting colour and they come in about 10 different shades and can be purchased from any local drug stores for around £3. They are so cheap in comparison to other lippys that are the same standard. I think i first tried one of these in Queen of Hearts because I got it free when I bought something else- probably a mascara. Now, i've gotta warn you, the shade looks so dark and vampiresque (which is what my sister usually wears) and i had never tried it on myself, but i had every intention to give it away to my sissy.. that was until i tried it. It comes out in the nicest shade of red I have ever come across. I'm always a little wary about red lipsticks when i go out because i find that they usually come off or smear around your face, but i haven't had a single thing wrong with this one. Every time i wear it, i get a heap of compliments from everyone. Another thing that i absolutely love about it is that it literally lasts all day, and there is no need for a top up. I've found that this is only the case with the red colour, as the pink ones don't last half as long, but yeah, the red is a bogger to get off! ha ha. I also have two pink shades, and a deep pink (not one that i would probably wear). I really love the two pinks (i think they are called 'sweet tart' and 'pink shock'.) 'sweet tart' is a medium pink, quite bright, but not too much for the daytime. I find that it makes me look pretty, rather than sexy. The 'pink shock' is a light, very bright pink that draws attention to the lips very quickly, so you could only wear with a bare eye i guess. I really love them because they really do brighten up your face-- e.g. i woke up late for work last week and put on only tinted moisturiser, one layer of mascara and nothing else. i spent the entire day feeling so conscious about my face and then being asked if i was 'ill'-- but then i remembered i had the 'sweet tart' in my car, so i put it on after work before i popped into tesco, and i had people telling me how gorgeous and glam i looked. I was so impressed with how a lippy can make your face look presentable hahaha. 

so yeah, i would definitely recommend these to anyone who loves a good lipstick. 
i hope you enjoy these as much as i do! xxx

day 29

November 4, 2012
Day 29 - in the last month, what have you learnt? 

this is tough. I guess i've learnt a few things. I've learnt that I can't even remember to write on my blog every day. I've learnt alot about myself though, little things that i didn't really know about myself. I guess i don't really have much to say on this, but I know myself what i've learnt, and i'm happy with that. xxx


November 4, 2012
This is obviously gonna be a long post seeing as i have 5 days that i've missed from the 30 day challenge! haha.

 anywho, sorry i've not posted-- i've been super busy. On wednesday, me Mayz and Luke went to see Ed Sheeran perform at the Capital FM arena. I've gotta say it was absolutely spectacular, he's such a natural talent! His freestyling skills are somewhat amazing, and his voice when he sings is awesome. I've always liked him, but not like a crazy-wierd fan, although after his performance the other night, I'm even more of a fan. I have to admit, i got his album when it first came out, but only listened to it once and didn't think a lot of it, but after hearing it live, i've re-listened to it and i really like it now. ha ha. 
then, on the thursday, I had the day off, but went to meet my friend who i've not seen in a while and did the majority of my christmas shopping, thank god. I had a lovely day with Elise. I've definitely kept to my promise about seeing friends more. In the evening, I went with Luke, his brother and brother's girlfriend for a meal for one of their close friends' birthday. It was actually really nice, just the 5 of us (usually when they get together there is like 30 of them). I definitely had a lovely night. Then friday night, my friend from work had a halloween party. It was fancy dress, of course, and it was epic. I'll upload a couple of pictures underneath to show you a few costumes (I was a freaky doll). We all had such a laugh and it was just a lovely party. Then last night, I went to a Bonfire party, complete with mushy peas, hot dogs and lots of wine. Again, it was a lovely night-- just a shame that i've had to work inbetween all of the days! haha. 


everyone looked so good!! xxx

right, here we go! 

Day 24- a letter to your parents;

to mummy and daddy.
i love you.
love your favourite daughter, jess. xxx

haha that's not actually what i would write- obviously. i would tell them just how much i love them, and just how much they mean to me. I would also tell them how lucky i am to have such great parents. I don't think i know anyone who's mum and dad does so much for them-- i've visited so many places, travelled the world, i never missed out on anything at school, whenever i've wanted something, i've always had it. Christmas used to be like a free-for-all in Toys-r-us. Literally, they do so much for me and my sister. I mean, how many other people do you know who have been driving for almost 2 years, has had 3 cars, barely pay any of their own insurance and never paid for one driving lesson? none. I am totally spoilt. my family are the best. xxx

day 25- what would i find in your bag?
i've always wanted to do a vlog about what you would find in my bag... this will have to do! Seeing as my bag is next to me, i will tell you what is in there.
I always carry my purse around, but it literally never ever has any cash in it. I also always have my flowery, two-way makeup bag with me. It has two seperate halves, which i seperate into beauty and medical. Basically, in the medical, I have my inhaler, pain killers, antibiotics that i'm on for my chest, indigestion tablets, that kind of thing.. In the beauty, there is always an eyeliner, mascara, blusher, face powder, a number on lipsticks, a lip balm and usually hair grips, bobbles etc. I always have like 3 marker pens in the bottom of my bag, for work. and usually a normal pen. sometimes i have my gloves and scarf and a cardi, especially if i've been on an early at work. erm, there's always random paper/leaflets in there for example, i have a Boots christmas catalogue and a Beefeater rewards card in there right now. I also have an in-car charger, my uni card for work, some rings, some leopard print face wipes and some loose change. my bag is one of those bags where someone will say they need something, and i can usually just whip it out. :)

day 26- what you think about your friends.
I use the term 'friends' very lightly. I don't have that many friends. like real friends. i have a lot of people who i talk to, and can go out with etc, but i always think that to be a friend, you have to see them regularly and be able to trust them etc. I used to have a lot of friends, but to be quite fair, when you get to my age, you sort of get to that point where we all have full-time jobs, boyfriends etc and no time to spare most of the time. I stay in touch with them all at least once a week, and i do see my best friend roughly around once a week thank god.. but still-- i don't know. anyway, this has gone off topic. I love my friends. sometimes i do get a little confused with them and don't know where i'm stood, but that usually gets back on track pretty quickly. but yeah, i do love them. 

day 27- why are you doing this 30 day challenge?
basically, i don't think that i say much about my life in this way.. I don't tell you what music i like, or what films i enjoy watching. I seem to tell you about what i get up to on a day to day basis etc, so i literally did this so that all you guys can get to know me a little bit better. I hope you've all enjoyed it. 

day 28- A picture of you last year and now. how have you have changed since then?

the photo on the left is from July 2011 and the photo on the right was from Wednesday. 
Physically, i've only changed via the way that i do my makeup and dress in my opinion. I used to wear extensions back then, but they were half the length of what i wear now. I've also let my natural hair grow back through, and as you can see, it was a lot darker back then. Aswel, my skin was a hell of a lot more pale and i don't think i was into fake tan half as much as i am now- although i have stopped using it for winter this year. A few other things, like i would never have dreamed of wearing a strong lip colour such as the bright red that i wore on wednesday, or i wore a bright pink on thursday which looked really nice too. I have become a lot more confident about my looks and hair around the last year. Last year, i wouldn't have ever wore my hair straight back like i do now (i'll post a picture below) or have 'cheryl cole hair' (also post below), but i've started to experiment with my hair and makeup more now and i think it pays off most of the time. 
my dress sense has definitely changed too-- i'm willing to wear more 'out there' things of late. A year ago i wouldn't have tried to wear disco pants, or sheer blouses, but they are my favourite items. I would never have wore anything leopard print, but now most of my wardrobe consists of that. i just love my new dress sense, it's so pretty. haha. 
so yeah, what do you think?! xxx

hair up. 'cheryl' hair. 
what do you think of these looks?
lots of love xxxxx


October 30, 2012
omg i just have to tell you that i got two tops today from my local Tesco for £2 each on the sale rail. I'm so lucky when it comes to Tesco sales for some reason. Last year, I got some amazing boots for 45p each!!! DAFUQ. ha ha ha. so yeah, pop on down to tesco and have a look-sies, it may be worth it. 
I'm gonna upload some pictures next time i'm on here of those two tops, along with everything else i've bought in the past month. I feel like i've neglected that part of this blog somewhat since i've been doing the 30 day challenge. bore. 
anywho, work at 7am means bed time for jessie. na'night xxx