your hostess: 'Jessica Emily

Welcome to my humble blog.

i love leopard print, lace and anything that resembles Cath Kidston.

i hate the ends of sausages. i hate opening gates. i hate it when you wake up and there's nothing for breakfast.

Happy reading!

lots of love.. Jessie.' xoxo

Day 23.

October 30, 2012
Day 23; something you crave for a lot. 
i'm not sure what direction to take this but here it goes.

something that i physically crave is chocolate. all the time. i could live on the stuff. in fact, anything sweet! i have the biggest sweet tooth i have ever known anyone to have! it's terrrible when you're trying to diet, too. i just can't resist a slice of cake or a row of chocolate :(

erm, a bit more deep- i crave to fit in. it's alright to say i want to be 'unique' and i want my own style etc, but in reality, i look at all these pretty girls and just wish that i could pull off half the looks that they can. it sounds majorly pathetic, but it's so true. I've never been the one in the group that boys fall over their feet to look at. I've never been the one to be able to walk around in the sweltering foreign heat in a bikini. I've never been able to wake up and throw on the nearest outfit because i'm late and still look beautiful. I know this is what a large majority of all girls my age have an issue with, and i understand that i could be bigger, and i could be more ugly, but then i think to myself, imagine if you lose the weight, and sorted out your skin and hair etc.. don't get me wrong, i make the effort every day to look as good as i can make myself, and i'm not totally unhappy with the way i look- i am myself- but sometimes i just wonder what i could look like. 
this was a little random and off-topic, but now you all know the truth behind the makeup and the fashion and the smiles.

i'm going to see Ed Sheeran tomorrow, so i may struggle to write. just saying! 

Days 20, 21 & 22.

October 29, 2012
holaaaaa. sorry for not posting, i've not really had a spare moment to myself in the last couple of days!

day 20; someone you can see yourself marrying/ being with in the future.
obviously, it's gonna be Luke. I love him to bits, genuinely. It's been a year & a half and it's just absolutely amazing. xxx

day 21; a picture of something that makes you happy;
i got this last weekend, and my mum has literally had to sneak it off me when i was at work to get it in the wash. I am absolutely obsessed with it. it's the most cosy thing in the world, and sadly, it really does make me happy. how sad is that?! hahaha

Day 22; What makes you different from everyone else?
that would be my elf ear. haha. My right ear used to cause me a little bit of aggro at school. I've never seen Star Wars, but i was always likened to a character in that? or saying that i got hung from the washing line by my ear when i was a baby.. i had it all. but now, i quite like my little ear. It makes me different to all you perfect-eared boggers ;) ha ha ha. 

okay, i'll try to do tomorrow's day actually on the day! haha. xxx


October 26, 2012
it's friday, friday, gotta get down on fridaaaay.

hello lovely boys and girls.
seeing as i've done my post of the day for today and i'm sat here doing nothing, i figured i'd actually 'blog' today and bore you with whatever is on my mind as of right now. 
i must say, i need to upload and show you all of the things that i've purchased over the last month, cos i really have got some beautiful things. i've also had a few new bits of makeup which i also need to review and i've got tomorrow and sunday off work, so hopefully i'll be able to show you them over the weekend. 
anyway, right now i'm a little pissed off. I finished work around an hour earlier than luke today, and we had planned to go see his family and then go get food-- but instead, he's just gone to see them without me- meaning im sat here, ready to go out, and i've just been dropped.. usually i wouldn't care in the slightest, but a text to let me know that we're just gona go out for dinner later and to hold fire would have been nice! tell me i'm not being mardy, right? 
so now, i've said i don't want to go out for dinner. what's that phrase? cutting your nose off to spite your face? well i think i've just done that.. i'm so unbelievably stubborn and i can't stand it when things don't go my way. i wish i could change myself, but  i can't and my whole family are exactly the same. damn. rant over.
 there's not much to tell you if i'm honest.. i'm meeting a friend for catch-up drinks tomorrow evening so i guess i'll report back then, but right now, im gonna go put my onesie on and get a good film on.
thanks for reading! xxxxx

Day 19

October 26, 2012
Day 19- Nicknames you have and why you have them.

I've never ever had a nickname that's stuck that wasn't my last name. ever. I often get called Starbuck, but i don't class that as a nickname cos it's my name? if that makes sense. 
Luke calls me 'stinky' all the time, but again, that's just him being mean. haha. 

that was a boring one! :P 

day 17 and 18.

October 25, 2012
I realise that i'm not doing great with this haha. 
p.s. it's two months til xmas! eeeeep.

day 17- someone you would like to switch lives with for a day.
 I would have to say Taylor Swift, because she's absolutely gorgeous and one of the most talented people in the world. She writes her songs, sings them, is so gorgeous, has amazing style and is still so down to earth and hasn't gone all 'diva' on us. thank god. major girl crush. xxx

day 18- plans/ goals/ dreams- 
plans; i want to lose weight, sort out my hair and teeth and get a whole new wardrobe, where even when i'm nipping to the shop, i turn heads. that's sad, but it's true. I also would like to redo my alevels and go to university, but until i know exactly what i want to do, im not gonna waste my money/ get in debt. soooo. 
goals; i want to own my own cafe. i really do. i also want to be an editor of a major magazine company. i'm also keen on psychology/ counselling. this is why i can't go to uni- because there is nothing i can study that will allow me to make my decision a few years down the line-- and i know that if i chose one, and chose an accompanying uni course, i will regret my choice and want to do a different one.  haha. 

going out for dinner now, loves xxxx 

days 14, 15 & 16.

October 23, 2012
i'm sorry for the lack of type in the last few days.. we seem to have a fairy in our house that only likes to take my things and always hides them in my sister's bedroom. and this time, it was my laptop charger so I've not been able to charge my laptop. anyway, enough blabbering.

day 14- A picture of you and your family:
when i was looking for a picture to put here, i came across a few that i'd just like to add.
 this one was in Lanzarote with a family we met. xx
  I didn't realise that i had one with mum and dad, but here one is!

 this one is just me and mum when we went to London. Such good memories of this weekend xx

i know this question doesn't necessarily mean extended family, but this is my cousin and i with my sis in London, again.. haha. And here is my auntie and uncle:
 one word: wow. 
i love my family more than anything. my grandad, (which i have no digital photos of at the minute), means the absolute world to me. My sister is my best friend, and my mum and dad do so much for me that i consider myself to be one of the most luckiest people i know. My auntie, uncle and cousin also mean a lot to me. xxxxxx

Day 15- put your ipod on shuffle- what are the first 10 songs to come on:
okay, i'm gonna have to postpone this one cos i've lost my ipod. no doubt the fairies took it.. 

Day 16- another photo of yourself:

this is the first picture i could find-- it's when i got back from shopping the other day and decided to try my new lippy. i quite like the look of it on this picture, although i love it in real life. It's not as bright in person, but subtle enough to spruce up a plain face/hair do. 

i'll try to type back tomorrow, although i've just been informed that i have to attend a meeting at work at another campus tomorrow at 4pm, but i finish work at 2, so i'm gonna end up going home to go all the way back. borreeee. 

righteo, xxx

day 11, 12 and 13.

October 20, 2012
i've had such busy days at work over the last couple of days that i've not had a spare moment to myself, hence why i have to do all three days at once. 

day 11- another picture of you and your friends

i'm gonna use this one because it's the first one that popped into my head when i read the question.. Today, me and my best friend Grace took a well-deserved trip to Meadowhall in Sheffield for a good old shop. It was absolutely lovely, and i got some right bargains and definitely have updated my wardrobe enough to take me from summer to autumn through to winter, eep. bring on the knitwear and wellies! <3 anywho, we took this today because we were excited to have some krispy kreme doughnuts. She is the only friend who i am always 100% myself with, so of course, today was smashing. I will do a post tomorrow on all my new buys etc which will be exciting im sure ;) 

day 12- how you found out about Yola and why you made one? 
originally, i think i had a blogger, but i couldn't get along with it, and i found it extremely boring. I was used to using Piczo for making websites etc, and so when i made my blogger and realised that you couldn't change the style, colour, font or anything, i was a little fed up and needed something a little more exciting--- so i google'd something like 'blogging websites' and this was the first one that came up. I looked through it, had a look at some examples and realised that i liked the look of Yola and it all went from there. it's been about 5 years and i'm still loving it like i did the day i joined, i just wish that i could get it more wide-spread and have a lot more readers. maybe that will come with time. i can't remember the reason for wanting to make a blog, because i don't ever remember reading anyone else's blog, buttttt i did keep a paper-diary, and i wrote in it every single day for 4 years from the age of 11. Obviously then, there was nowhere else to jot down your thoughts and feelings and especially nowhere to showcase anything, so the idea of a blog taking over my diary was a nice idea. I think it's a step in the right direction technology-wise. 

day 13- a letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

this is gona be silly, but something that has hurt me in the past few days... hm, here it goes. 

...I hate how you have made me feel insecure about myself in the last couple of weeks. It hurts that you would let me see a text like that, and put ideas in my head about things that you're doing that i don't even know about. sometimes, you make me wonder if you're even telling me the truth. i know you have lied before and i caught you out, so obviously this is making somewhat insecure already, but what i read the other day has added to that also. i hate how vague you are about everything and how you never make anything clear. you can look, but you can't touch. this all being said, i love you. i love the way you treat me like a princess, i love the way you tell me that im the most beautiful thing in the world, i love the little presents you bring me, i love how when im feeling down or under the weather, you are always there to make me smile and feel better and i like how you are a huge part of me and my family right now... 

this won't make sense to you unless you are one of my three close friends, but i assume you can guess. 


Day 10

October 16, 2012
Day 10: Songs you listen to when you are happy/sad/bored. 

okay. I'm not a big music listener. No, i listen to chart music, and my ipod has over 1000 tracks on it, but i never ever download someone's album and listen to it. ever. except for Taylor Swift. She is literally my idol- i am in love with her. literally, there is a song for every mood. when i broke up with my boyfriend a couple of years back, i listened to her songs about love, and how great it is to be in love etc, making me sad and feel very sorry for myself. and then i started listening to her 'you go gurl' songs e.g. better than revenge- making you feel so much better about yourself, and making you realise that there are so many other things to be worrying about and that you can do so much better. So yeah, all of her songs fit into every mood. 

when i'm about to go out and am getting ready to partay i tend to listen to chart music and dance to prepare myself. when i'm bored i just press shuffle and can get anything from rap to rock to opera.. very diverse!

that will be all on this question! i've just clicked that it's 'day 10' today. wow that's gone so quickly! haha


cocktails and wasted money.

October 15, 2012
for god's sake. will someone please just take my bank card off me?! ugh, i just spent another £60 in Matalan? Matalan, of all places. whuuuuuut. i mean, i do love the stuff i got, but really, did i need it?! 

how beautiful is this bag?! it caught my eye as soon as i entered the shop and i knew i just had to have it. wow. the lighting doesn't really show the colour, cos it looks more pink in this picture but it's more nude than pink- like a peachy-nude i guess. the gold studs are way on-trend and i literally have an entire wardrobe full of clothes that match this colour, so i know i'm gonna use it loads. and, if all this isn't good enough- it was only £16! bar-gain! lovelovelove this bag.

i also got this shirt, although i'm not sure if i want to keep it. It was also £16 i think, but i can't make my mind up whether or not i like it. i also got some disco pants from an online shop, so i just tried it on with that and an ill-fitting top underneath which made it look awful-- even though i bought it a size too big so it would be baggy, it's just not doing it for me today, so i need to try it on with something more stylish and get back to you on this! 

this isn't a great picture of the top, but it's basically a floaty black short vest, I'm not usually a fan of short tops cos they cut me off and don't exactly flatter me, but i like the thought of wearing this with skirts/high waisted things cos i can never find the right top to tuck in and it always seems to look a little weird on me. anyway, i really like this top and can't wait to try it on with something! 

i got these from tesco the other day, so i thought i'd add them onto here to show you too. Aren't they super cute?! very alice in wonderland-esque. they do give me blisters at the minute though, so i'm gonna have to wear them in a little more. ouch! 

I got these at Matalan today too. I've got a thing for feathers- i think they add such a feminine touch to everything and look really cute at any time of the day. Bang on the boho vibe. I've left the prices on cos i couldn't believe it-- when i first saw them a couple of months back, i was like 'mm, im not gonna pay like £7-£10 for these, that's a rip off', so when i saw them today, i literally was so excited. i'm so sad. :) but yeah, will definitely be wearing them next time i'm off work! 

and i just thought i'd add that i've also bought a burgundy blazer and some black chelsea boots, but i haven't got round to taking pictures of them yet- although i think they look so good together. Actually, i wore it out lastnight when i went out with a friend from college for some cocktails, so i'll upload a couple of pictures and you'll see what i mean. 

 ignore my face, i look a mess.

'til next time! xxx

Day 09

October 15, 2012
Day 09- Something you're proud of in the last few days;

sad, but the first thing that popped into my mind is the fact that i manned up going through the zombie walk through at Alton Towers over the weekend. Before going in, i literally was screaming like a child saying i didn't want to go through, but the only way out was to walk around in the dark to the exit through the woods. on my own. at least in the walk through i wouldn't be on my own. so i got dragged through, and despite still being scared, i figured that if i acted all cocky & brave, they would target someone else. nope, that didn't happen- they still targeted me, but i found it more funny than i did scary. 

that will be all! xxx